Sunday, January 01, 2012

2011 in recap

It's been precisely a year since my last post, so I guess it's time to make another one! I really wish there was a blogging platform with Google+ sharing controls. Wordpress has a great post editor but only supports public/private. Blogger has neither, and it still doesn't support paragraph tags. Google+ posts are too simple formatting-wise and aren't easily searchable. It's 2012, where's my perfect blogging software?

Time really does fly as you get older. At the beginning of 2011, I was still in school, living the life of an unhealthy grad student. May rolled around and I graduated. I slacked off for a few months and road tripped across the US to Seattle. It was surprisingly more fun than I imagined a road trip would be, but I'm not going to blog about it here. There are pictures on Facebook and Google+, for those of you that can see them.

I started work at Google on August 1st. Easy to remember, but I'll probably forget anyway. Life has gone by pretty quickly since then; I've almost been working for half a year! I definitely miss the copious amounts of free time and nap time that I had before, but I guess working makes me use my time more efficiently.

I definitely feel happier working. I can't quite explain why, but it certainly helps that Google treats its employees very well. I think taking better care of myself has put me in a better mental and physical state. Some parts of grad school were quite stressful at times, as my last post mentioned.

Unfortunately, my life just isn't that exciting where I have so much I want to say about it. I'm content with not being super exciting. What am I looking forward to in 2012? Hmm, hard to say. Releasing my first big change should be "interesting" to say the least. Since I'm approaching six months of work, I should take interview training so I can visit Purdue some time. Oh, and I guess that minor detail of potentially buying a condo. More on that later...maybe.

Oh, and have a new template. Wee.