Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Democracy and Digg.com

Digg recently had an incident, which is kind of still ongoing, in which someone posted (according to Wikipedia) "the full decryption code for HD-DVD" and got banned for it. In response, there's been tons of uprising/rebellion, with the key continually being reposted, etc. I've never been a very big Digg reader, but now I really have a reason not to read it. Why do Digg users feel entitled to post whatever the hell they want on the website, regardless of legality? That's plain ridiculous.

Some people have started marking today as "the death of Digg," and I sure hope it is. Not to be offensive to the creators, but if Digg ever does go away, I'm sure all of their whiny users will realize that they probably had more freedom there than on other websites, since it's much more community-driven, from what I understand, than Slashdot. If one of these rebels tries to start a Digg replacement that lets everyone post legally controversial content, I'm sure they'll enjoy the pleasure of having a lawsuit filed against them. Please, use common sense.


Anonymous said...

I am going to digg this.

Bennett said...

The day the dvd died...