Sunday, March 18, 2007

I have the worst luck with air travel

I just got back from Taiwan, and I swear I have the worst luck ever.

On March 2, I was supposed to have a second round interview with Microsoft, which means I fly out to Redmond and get intellectually tortured. When I went to the Indianapolis airport, everything was normal, until my dad left. Then my flight got delayed incrementally for what? Oh, six hours. Eventually I just left, because trying to make it to Seattle would have resulted in a bad interview.

March 9 marked the beginning of my trip in Taiwan. I made it to O'Hare fine, this time. I was waiting for my flight to Narita Airport in Tokyo, which had already been delayed 30 minutes by the time I arrived at the gate. When that time came about, I saw that it had been delayed, oh...just a couple more hours, leaving me with ten minutes to connect to Taipei. Of course, I missed it, but they had automatically re-booked, so I guess that's kind of cool. Then there's that whole spiel where I got stuck in Taoyuan Airport, since nobody came to pick me up.

March 18 was the end of my trip :smith:. The flight back to Narita was fine. The four hour connection time wasn't very cool. But whatever, I lasted the four hours without sleeping. When we had all boarded the plane to fly to O'Hare, the captain announced that we were on hold, since they were keeping the runways clear for some emergency landing. For two hours. Then, right when we thought we were good to go, the captain told us an engine didn't start. Took them another hour just to fix it, making three hours sitting on an old, uncomfortable jumbo jet. When we were finally ready, they then announced that due to federal regulations, we couldn't fly all the way to O'Hare, so we'd just go to Seattle instead. Awesome. Then, while everyone (except me and one other guy) was sleeping, they sneakily changed the target to San Francisco. They wouldn't let us leave the plane when we landed, either, due to customs/immigration policies. Fortunately, I was tired enough after having watched Happy Feet (lol) and Casino Royale (again, except with all the good parts cut out) that I slept through most of the stay at SF.

When we got back to O'Hare, we drove back, crammed into a station wagon, which wasn't quite comfortable on the rear by the time we got home. It may or may not have contributed to my angry mood. On the brighter side, they have a really good selection of movies on airplanes now (The Prestige, The Fountain, if you like it), but I'd seen them all before. Except Happy Feet.

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